About Divyamrit

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Divyamrit Enterprises

Taste the goodness of nature with our 100% pure Divyamrit Honey.
We provide you 100% Pure Honey with Variety. We have Mustard Honey, Multiflora Honey, Ajwain Honey, Leeche Honey, and much more. We strictly adhered to our punch line, i.e., "PURITY IS OUR PRIORITY." Our honey is totally different from the honey of other companies available in the market.
Our Honey is pollen-grain-rich. Beacause we use the cotton layers in the process of filtration, while other companies use microfilters during filtration. Micro filters don't allow the pollen grains to pass through while cotton layers allow these to pass through. That's why our honey is pollen-grain-rich. Pollen grains are rich in antioxidants, potentially supporting immune function and reducing inflammation.
There is no any kind of adulteration on the pretext of flavors, preservatives, infusion etc. Our honey is made by honeybees using the nectar of flowers.
If honey boxes are kept in the fields of mustard, honeybees bring the nectar from mustard flowers, and the produced honey is called Mustard honey. If honey boxes are kept in the region of multiple flowers, the produced honey is called multiflora honey. if boxes are kept on AJWAIN, Leeche, TULSI Flowers, the produced honey is called Ajwain Honey, Leeche Honey & Tulsi Honey, respectively. Each variety of honey has its own fragrance, taste, and some of its own properties/benefits, according to the flower from which the nectar was taken.
Make your life more healthy and fit with our 100% Pure Divyamrit Honey. Ask us on whatsapp 9654241857, which honey variety will be best for you.

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